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HomeKaleidoscopeCampusUAB democrat's stance on immigration

UAB democrat’s stance on immigration

Caleb Carter, vice president of the College Democrats at UAB

Caleb Carter – Contributing Writer
[email protected]

The debate surrounding immigration is one that we can no longer afford to ignore. We have a moral obligation to provide a permanent solution to our broken, outdated and inhumane immigration system. I must be honest in saying that I could hardly stomach reading the senseless garbage that appeared in the previous issue of this newspaper and I feel convicted to offer a brief response.

The position taken by the Vice Chairman of the College Republicans of UAB is morally repugnant and a reflection of the bigoted, American privilege he calls imaginary. His statements completely disregard the disturbing history of the U.S. immigration system and the circumstances that immigrant families face on a daily basis. He offers no solution but the enforcement of laws that have been proven ineffective and inconsistent with the American values of tolerance, inclusion and equality. Simply because we have a written set of laws does not mean those laws are just. We have a responsibility to stand against unjust laws that deny people dignity. I challenge anyone who agrees with the right-wing position on immigration to read up on invalidated and reformed laws that remain weaved into our written code of law. Maybe then you will appreciate judicial activism and executive action. Maybe then your “sympathy” for immigrants will move you to advocacy instead of self-righteous talking points.

The stories of immigrants are inseparable from the American story because all immigrants, legal or not, have become an integral part of our social fabric. They are our neighbors, coworkers and friends. Despite the hate-filled rhetoric coming from far right fractions of the Republican Party, immigrants have historically spurred economic growth, fueled innovation, defended us abroad and added to the richness of our society and uniqueness of our national character. Immigrants deserve better; they deserve justice and genuine welcome.

The Democratic Party believes that comprehensive immigration reform is absolutely essential if we are going to continue the social and economic progress we have made in recent years. We believe in a more permanent solution, one that welcomes diversity and gives a voice to those long silenced by systematic discrimination. Jimmy Carter once said that the concept of human rights lies at the heart of our foreign policy. So too, should that concept be at the center of the debate on immigration. We must no longer settle for the status quo but must fight to streamline the citizenship process so that immigrant families no longer have to worry about their future. We long for an America where families are not abused and torn apart through detention centers and mass deportation raids. We long for an America where hard working mothers and fathers are able to come out of the shadows and begin the process of becoming full and equal citizens. We desire to see DREAMers have the wonderful opportunities that we often take for granted.

The debate on immigration is not just a policy issue; it is a human issue. We are living in a country with a broken immigration system that denies justice and dignity to our immigrant brothers and sisters. The time for change is now. We cannot continue to wait on others to make change happen. We must be the change that seek by using our voice and our vote. John Lewis says that “The vote is precious. It is almost sacred. It’s the most powerful non-violent tool we have in a democratic society and we’ve got to use it.” I am proud to call myself a Democrat and I unashamedly stand with immigrants.


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