Illustration by Corey Bright
Oliver Ocean – Contributor
Election time is just around the corner, and with many considering this election to be the downfall of America, it doesn’t seem like too long ago when people swore that the fibers holding this country together would deteriorate under the leadership of our first Black president, Barack Obama.
While not all of his measures reached the desired effect many were hoping for, his policies — especially in social medicine — took a critical step in the right direction. With this in mind, it’s important for us to note what leadership will be best for the nation. Which leader will fill the vacant Supreme Court seat with the most level-headed judge? Which leader will improve foreign relations and create a viable working world? Which leader will spread tolerance and understanding, not fear and hate?
For many of us, it will be the first election in which we participate, an election paramount to the type of America that we, the people, wish to create. This election has been dominated by anti-establishment sentiment with Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders attracting the attention of the masses. While the “Silent Majority” has fallen for the charismatic allure of the Republican nominee, we must realize that the establishment is created by those who complain about it — the people — and that an anti-establishment oval office will not change the entire political culture.
Not only will we be voting for our next president in November, but also 469 seats in Congress. Breaking those numbers down, 34 Senate seats and all 435 of the House of Representatives seats will be available to transform our system into one that the majority — not just the “Silent Majority” — will be satisfied with. With a country of approximately 219 million eligible voters, only a mere 146 million are registered to vote. Each eligible voter should fulfill their civic duty, voting for the change they want. Complaining about the choice of candidates and even renouncing the right to vote because of it will only leave a greater number of us dissatisfied for the next four, or potentially eight, years. For those who have not registered to vote, you can easily fix this issue. Pull out your smartphone or computer and investigate the voting registration requirements in your state (yes, Alabama actually joined the 21st century and now you can register online).
Throughout our country’s history, people have fought for the right to vote at all levels of government. In this election, we cannot take this right for granted. We must eliminate the general apathy felt towards the voting process. Millennials will hold the power this election. This November, vote for President. Vote for Senate. Vote for your Representatives. America will be great again because of it.
Editor’s Note: “Oliver Ocean” is a chosen pseudonym of a student who wishes to remain anonymous.