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HomeKaleidoscopeCampusUSGA senators propose new resolutions ahead of last formal meeting

USGA senators propose new resolutions ahead of last formal meeting

Representatives from the IT department address the senate about their future plans. Photo by Kristina Balciunaite/Assistant Online Editor

Representatives from the IT department address the senate about their future plans. Photo by Kristina Balciunaite/Assistant Online Editor

Kristina Balciunaite
Online Reporter

The Undergraduate Student Government Association senate met for its biweekly meeting to discuss issues affecting UAB students and the overall campus community on Tuesday, March 7.

The meeting began with two guest speakers from the UAB Information Technology department presenting their plan to involve students in the development and improvement of IT services on campus. That plan is to launch a short, 10 question survey to gauge what methods of communication and engagement are preferred by students and employees. This survey is to be tentatively launched on Monday, March 20.

During committee reports, the dining committee discussed a concern brought up by students about the sudden absence of the chipotle chicken dish at Zime, the on campus dining location in the Business and Engineering Complex.

Senator Tamara Imam in the College of Arts and Sciences presented a resolution, co-authored with Director of Student Issues and presidential candidate Mugdha Mokashi, regarding the implementation of free or affordable female hygiene products in women’s and gender neutral restrooms on campus. 

Senator Tia Davis, also in the College of Arts and Sciences, presented a resolution that would push Student Advocacy Rights and Conduct to hold students who engage in harassment behaviors directed toward other students in third party apps, such as GroupMe, Facebook and Twitter, more accountable for their actions. 

Both resolutions were tabled and are to be brought up at the last formal senate meeting, which will take place on Tuesday, March 21. 

Kristina Balciunaite can be reached at [email protected] and on Twitter @KscopeKristina. 


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