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HomeKaleidoscopeCampusProtest erupts on campus

Protest erupts on campus

Photo by Kristina Balciunaite/Editor-in-Chief
file 12Perceii Valerie (left), sophomore in computer science and member of Gender and Sexuality Union “Brother Daniel” (right) hold signs in front of the Hill Student Center at 3:30 p.m., October 30.

Kristina Balciunaite
[email protected]

Tuesday, October 30, a protest erupted in front of the Hill Student Center.

A man, who at earliest was seen on campus Monday at noon, held a sign saying “repent” and “the wrath of God abides on children of disobedience.”

The Kaleidoscope was unable to confirm his identity, but the man calls himself “Brother Daniel.” 

Holding a sign, Brother Daniel said things such as “gay people are sinners,” “it was a shame for a nation to be run by a woman” and that twerking is a sin.

“I go to different campuses every day,” he said. 

Mystical Johnson, freshman in biology, made a sign and participated in the anti-protest “Brother Daniel.”

“I feel like he’s just very discriminating and derogatory,” Johnson said. “He can’t just say that God doesn’t love people. My uncle is gay and he’s not going to hell.” 

Perceii Valerie, sophomore in computer science and member of Gender and Sexuality Union, stood next to Brother Daniel during a part of the protest.

“I’ve been bullied my whole life,” Valerie said. “My parents threw me out because they thought I was gay. I’ve seen kids commit suicide because of the things he says. I don’t want this for other people.”

Eli Foree, senior in industrial distribution, said that anti-protesters incite the Brother Daniel’s message by engaging with him.

“He’s putting a divide on our campus,” Foree said. “As a Jewish person who has grown up here, especially from the events on Saturday, I hate him being here. As long as we’re engaging with him he will continue, The best course of action is pretending he’s not here.”

At 4 p.m. “Brother Daniel” left the area.

Photo by Lakyn Shepard/Art Editor
connor rose percii valerieConnor Rose and Percii Valerie after the protester left.

Photo by Lakyn Shepard/Art Editor
protesters 1 of 1 3Eli Foree, senior in industrial distribution, said that the bypassers should not engage with the protester.


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