Photo by Amy Lawhon/Staff Photographer

On Wednesday, January 9 at a press conference at Kelly Ingram Park, Houston Brown, retired circuit court judge, announces that the BCTR will honor Dr. Angela Davis.
Myles Womack
CityLifestyle Editor
In a press conference held on Wednesday, Jan. 9, The Birmingham Committee for Truth and Reconciliation (BCTR) announced its reactivation, at Kelly Ingram Park.
The news statement was given on the same day the top three board members of the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute (BCRI) resign after canceling its annual gala event, in February, where Dr. Angela Davis was set to receive the Fred Shuttlesworth Human Rights Award.
The BCRI released a statement on Jan. 5 that said after “closer examination she [Dr. Davis] does not meet all of the criteria on which the award is based.”
The BCTR’s inaugural act will be to honor, Birmingham native and civil rights activist, Dr. Angela Davis.
“Our mission going forward is to value every voice that takes a responsible stand on human and civil rights issues,” said Hon. Houston Brown, retired circuit judge.
As members from the BCTR ended the press conference, Frank Matthews, president of the Outcast Voters League, protested the committee’s resurgence.
“This is a bunch of reactionary stuff and I’m not with it,” Matthews said. “I don’t support it because they’re going for reactions.”
Matthews said the BCTR wants to “parade her [Dr. Davis] around” and that the committee needs to be “stepping up like we did for every member of that board to resign.”
The BCTR plans to host an event during Black History Month titled “A Conversation with Angela Davis” on Saturday, February 16, 2019.
Hon. Brown said the time and location of the event will be announced “in the coming days.”
Photo by Amy Lawhon/Staff Photographer
As members from the BCTR end the press conference, Frank Matthews, president of the Outcast Voters League, protests the committee’s resurgence.