There are some college experiences you never forget. From the first rain storm you’re caught in without an umbrella, to the sun’s rays blinding you on your walk to class. To avoid those unfortunate moments, here are some items to keep in your backpack that could come in handy.

Planner- Keeping a planner will help with time management and organization. As life slowly starts to return to normal, responsibilities increase with it. Writing your plans down will help you stay on top of all that comes your way.
Masks and hand sanitizer- These two items are key for navigating life in a pandemic. Most buildings on campus, along with stores and restaurants in Birmingham are requiring masks. Since it’s always a pain having to run back to the house when you forget your mask at home, be sure to keep an extra on hand just in case.
Sunglasses/hats- For the first few weeks of the semester, the temperature is high and the sun is bright. Having a hat or some sunglasses on hand are sure to help you beat the heat.
Umbrella/rain jacket- The only thing as unpredictable as a pop quiz is a Birmingham rain shower. You never know where you’ll be when the storms roll in. In order to stay dry, be sure to carry a small umbrella or rain jacket in your bag. Nothing ruins a day as fast as sitting in class soaking wet.
Screenshot of your UAB Health Check Passport- This is a new requirement to ensure students are feeling healthy before entering class. Some professors and organizations are requiring students to show their passports before entering class or on-campus events. This is an additional measure UAB is taking to ensure the health of students. Along with your passport, be sure to bring your UAB ONE Card on campus. Some buildings are also requiring students to show ONE Cards before entering.