Tina Mozelle Braziel won the 2017 Philip Levine Prize for Poetry for her book Known by Salt (Anhinga Press 2019). Her chapbook, Rooted by Thirst, came out in 2016 with Porkbelly Press. Her individual poems have appeared in The Cincinnati Review, Southern Humanities Review, Tampa Review, Appalachian Heritage, PMSpoemmemoirstory (where her work was nominated for a Pushcart Prize) and other journals.
In 2018, Tina was awarded a fellowship for the Alabama State Council for the Arts. In 2017, she served as an artist-in-residence at Hot Springs National Park. She was awarded an M.F.A. scholarship to the Sewanee Writers’ Conference in 2013. She earned an M.F.A in Poetry from the University of Oregon, an M.A. in Poetry at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and a B.A. in Intercultural Studies at the University of Montevallo. She directs the Ada Long Creative Writing Workshop at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and she and her husband, novelist James Braziel, live and write in a glass cabin that they are building by hand.
Aura will be hosting a virtual reading and writing workshop with Tina, February 25 from 6-8pm. Click HERE to register for this workshop!
For more information about Tina’s book Known By Salt, click here!
To visit Tina’s Website, click here!