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HomeKaleidoscopeArts and CultureWhat Kaleidoscope is Watching for Mar. 5

What Kaleidoscope is Watching for Mar. 5

James Goodman, Reporter

Recently I’ve been hooked on the show “Survivor”. Having never watched it before, I find myself in a stark binge whenever I have some free time. I know, it’s a bit comedic, but I just love the show.

“Survivor” is currently streaming on CBS All-Access, Paramount Plus, Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime Video.

Jackson Ragland, Music Critic

I’ve been watching a bunch of Barely Sociable videos lately. They are very interesting and detailed videos that come as a good break to my usual binge of “Criminal Minds”.

Barely Sociable’s videos can be seen on YouTube.

Hannah Richey, Managing Editor

I rewatched “Disenchanment”. It’s from the same creator as The Simpsons but is a bit more plot-heavy. You also can’t beat Eric Andre voicing a demon.

“Disenchantment” is currently streaming on Netflix.

Celia Shepard, Copy Editor

I’ve been watching a lot of PewDiePie’s Reddit videos that he’s uploaded over the past few years. They’re sort of lazy content, but they’re still fun to watch.

PewDiePie’s videos can be seen on YouTube.

Caleb Wood, City/Lifestyle Editor

I am deep into the final season of “Superstore”. I’ve been a fan of the show since the first season, so I’m gearing up for the finale in a couple of weeks. It’s a really great ensemble, and I hope that every character is treated right in the ending.

“Superstore” airs Thursdays on NBC and is currently streaming on Hulu and Peacock Premium.


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