Hello and welcome to Aura Literary Arts Review’s new website! Over the next week, we will be revamping the site to include brand new pages and elements of Aura. We are thrilled to become even more involved within both the UAB community and the surrounding Birmingham arts community. By partnering with local artists, businesses, and events, Aura intends to contribute to a stronger, more united arts community. We hope that this can facilitate the start to the long, but rewarding process of healing together from such an arduous and isolating period.
There will be four new pages on our website: About Aura, Archives, Community, and Submissions. Our “About” page will feature a little bit about the magazine’s history, as well as all of our hard-working, dedicated staff members. We will also be continuously updating our “Archives” page with additional digital copies of Aura issues as they are published. For now, the page holds almost every issue of Aura since the year 2000 and a link to even older issues dating back to the early 1970s!
The most exciting addition to our website will be the “Community” page! Aura will be partnering with artists and businesses around Birmingham to highlight local events, artists, and new releases within the community. If you would like for Aura to feature you, your event, or your upcoming/recent release, please contact us at [email protected].
Finally, our “Submissions” page is live and open for submissions! All submission guidelines and forms can be found on the page. Additionally, there is contact information included on each page, so please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions, concerns, or interests you may have.
Join us as we embark on a new adventure with Aura— we are eager to see your smiling faces again!