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HomeKaleidoscopeCampusMeet the 2022 USGA executive council candidates

Meet the 2022 USGA executive council candidates

Kaleidoscope sent out a questionnaire to the candidates running for the Undergraduate Student Government Association’s (USGA) vice president of communications, vice president of student services and vice president of finance positions. We are publishing here the responses we have received so that students can get to know the candidates in their own words.


Executive Vice President

Vice President of Student Services

Vice President of Communications

Vice President of Finance

Presidential Candidates

Ritika Samant
Junior, Neuroscience

Other Involvements:

  • Active Minds-President
  • Tobacco-Free UAB- Community Outreach Coordinator
  • Neuroscience Research- Parkinson’s Disease


My election platform, Rise with Ritika, is the culmination of my time in USGA from Freshmen Forum to my current role as VP of Student Services. In working within pandemic conditions and seeing how things really work internally, I’ve come to understand many of the barriers that exist to USGA making change on campus. While there is little we can do when it comes to administrative or higher-level barriers, my platform focused on: Internal Restructuring, Communication, Sustainability, and Additional Areas of Improvement, focuses mainly on the things that USGA has the power to improve. My goal is to empower Senators to completely carry out their roles and to move USGA communications to our website and to an applet built into the UAB app more so than anything else. More details on my platform can be found at the link below or via my IG @ritikasamant

Why do you want to be in USGA?

I’ve spent all my undergraduate years, so far, in USGA and have seen its highs and lows. I know that USGA, while moving towards being more advocates for the student body as opposed to administrative liaisons, still has a long way to go. I hope to begin strong movement by working to address root causes for much of USGA’s inaccessibility to students rather than working to address all needs at once. I want to be in USGA so that I can make this change in my final year in undergrad such that USGA in the coming years will be able to fully address student need by connecting with the students. I really do believe that USGA has the ability to do good for the student body, and that’s why I want to be a part of it.

What qualifies you for this position?

I’ve served in USGA for the past few years from Freshmen Forum to Civic Engagement Co-Coordinator to now as the VP of Student Services. I’ve done my very best to learn about other branches like Senate by being part of the UAB team to Collegiate Legislature where I was selected Best Senator for bill writing and debate (2020) and to learn about Judicial and its ongoings through strong collaboration in voter engagement that led to me and my CEC, Mary Gilmore, being selected as USGA’s Members of the Year for our efforts in addressing student voter inaccessibility. Now as VP of SS, I focus on platforming geared towards student interest and need like Parking Amnesty Day and Blazer Thrift. I have much experience, but more than anything else, I have the passion, commitment, intentionality, and diligence to see things through.

What is the number one issue that USGA faces in the upcoming year?

Communication. Without adequate communication to the student body such that internal affairs are transparently highlighted, events made publicized, feedback from students collected, and urgent university messaging communicated, our output becomes meaningless not grounded in student need. Revamping the website is overdue change and needs to be done ASAP. Many students are not on social media and having our main source of communication stem from social media is unfair to those students. It’s also overdue that USGA find a means to communicate rapid messing and reminders for the student body. My goal is to implement an opt-in notification applet through the UAB app such that students can remain up to date and informed. As a student who had to find out about bigots in front of the HSC through group chats and social media pages, I was upset that we didn’t have a robust messaging system in place.

Why should students vote for you?

Students should vote for me because my platform aims to tackle the root causes of many of USGA’s problems in addressing student needs through a focused approach. While I’d love to solve every single student problem, I understand that that’s not realistic. What is realistic is setting USGA up to be able to begin that process of full addressing student need by taking certain measures over the course of the year. Students should also vote for me because while I’m experienced and understand how to listen and work towards making change and increasing access, I’m also passionate about seeing things through. I know I can’t make everything happen, but I do promise to do my absolute best in seeing the first two pillars of my platform through within my one-year term.

Hannah Syed
Junior, Public Health and Biology



There is overlap and lack of communication between different sectors of USGA. This disconnect within the organizational body not only makes it less efficient with pursuing initiatives but weakens its ability to best connect with the student body with what needs to be addressed. In addition, there is a lack of building from previous USGA bodies which contributes to redundancy and poor use of time.


  • Required Workshops Promoting Constitution USGA education
  • More Joint Meetings On what’s going on in each division of USGA: Recaps + promoting Collaboration. Ensuring school committees are also actively bringing up issues with respective schools.
  • Making initiative work more effective by investing more time in school committees, and making non school committees more for collaboration and brainstorming. These should overall serve as intended collaborative committees for current or additional initiatives and collecting student feedback as well as being open to work with the cabinet’s sectors.

Why do you want to be in USGA? What qualifies you?

I want to utilise the access USGA provides with administration. My experiences with academic and student
involvement along with being a USGA CAS senator has made me not only fit for this position but also has given
me a depth perspective from both the student body and leadership. I have realised this past year what a
substantial difference this organisation can make with student services through faculty awareness.

What is the number one issue USGA faces in the upcoming year?

My biggest change I want to make is toward internal structure. I want to redesign the organisation where the goal
is not to connect the student body with the USGA alone but the goal is to connect the study body to faculty as a
priority goal to provide the purpose of the resources the organisation can offer otherwise it’s purpose is very
unproductive. USGAs purpose is to be the student voice towards faculty, we’re not a face we’re a connection for
students. After issues with internal structure are addressed then a more cohesive and effective response and
action plans can be implemented towards COVID impacts, marginalised community needs, and academic
services, and campus life services.

Why students Should vote for you?

Students should vote for me because my platform is here to serve them in the most efficient and practical
manner. I want students to be connected through USGA and stay connected because that is what USGA is here
for, a connection that serves students. My unique approach delves into why USGA is here and addresses internal
matters prior to external issues. By making USGA a more solidified body, it can better connect with students in
delivering its message and students will be more inclined towards engaging.

Executive Vice President Candidate

Kyle Adams
Sophomore, Political Science


Campaign Ideals
As I campaign for Executive Vice President, I want to implement some principles when elected are exhibited throughout the campaign season. I believe that it starts with the campaign to ensure that students’ voices are heard in USGA.

Internal Revisions
My time as a senator has been emphasized on organizational restructuring. The Senate needs rigid leadership in policy to provide a skeleton for positive initiatives for the student body.

Student Issues
With a foundation of a strong USGA and Senate, student issues can be addressed. It is my goal as Executive Vice President to bring forward some of these important student issues.

Why you want to be in USGA?

I view my campaign for the role of EVP as an opportunity to continue the work that I’ve started to better apply that policy in a much more informed manner.

What qualifies you for this position?

My experience with USGA over the past two years has familiarized me a range of student concerns that can be given more attention, and the avenues that we need to go about in order to address those concerns.

Why should students vote for you?

The EVP role takes knowledge and understanding of Senate and its role in representing the student body. My experience inside USGA, but also my interest in providing advocacy for students will make me the best fit for this role.

Vice President of Student Services Candidate

Eunice Choe
Junior, Psychology


Fostering Collaboration


  • Listening Tours


  • Better intercommunication between USGA
  • Outreach to underrepresented groups
  • Town Halls


  • More collaborations with events and initiatives 

Healthy-Students, Healthy-Campus 

Bring back Health Coordinators 

Mental Health 

  • More mental health events during midterm season
  • Resources for counseling and support groups

Physical Health

  • Provide more resources on health-education 
  • Opportunity for healthier food options
  • Menstruation Products in public bathrooms

Improving Events

Internal Issues

  • Release semesterly calendar early 
  • Town Halls 
  • Two-parter events 


  • USGA Field day 

Blazer Thrift and Parking Amnesty

  • More awareness and collaboration

Why do you want to be in USGA?

USGA was something that was scary to be honest. Like most students, I had no knowledge of student government and the different things USGA did before prior to joining. I didn’t have many friends within USGA but that didn’t stop me from taking on a new challenge. I noticed many different issues that were not being addressed and wanted to be involved in the process of making change. USGA has taught me so much about personal growth and learning how to advocate for others. I will continue to be someone who wants to help others beyond my UAB years and use this in the future.

What qualifies you for this position?

I will be a Senior next year and I have been in many leadership positions but I am ready to take on a whole new level of student advocacy and leadership. My favorite part of USGA was providing exciting and beneficial opportunities for students so the Student Services division is perfect for me.

What is the number issue that USGA faces in the upcoming year?

The pandemic is still going to be a pressing but something that we have seen this year and something that will be a bigger issues next year is burnout and fatigue from students. They will not want to be as active or responsible not because they don’t care but everyone is tired and wants a break. Many students feel behind compared to previous year due to many restriction and challenges. USGA will need to learn to how overcome that burnout and fatigue that students are dealing with. Our focus should be on how to make the students feel supported and help them in any way we can.

Why should students vote for you?

I will be a dedicated VP of Student Services that is willing to take the effort to make effective change and bring a higher level of satisfaction in everyone’s college experience. I have many exciting ideas on initiatives and programming events to benefit the students. Here’s to a fresh start!

Vice President of Communications Candidates

Marcus Curry Jr.
Sophomore, Political Science


At the core of any success, you can find an element of communication. It is a vital skill for growth and development. “Conquer with Curry” is a campaign that strives to help UAB Students successfully reach and exceed the blazer standard for excellence. If elected your VP of Communications, I will be representative for the underrepresented students. Our University is home to some of the brightest people in the world, and our student government should be a reflection of it. I will use my platform as an avenue to bring students from all various campus communities together. With my experience in public relations, I hope to make innovative steps connecting and engaging the entire blazer family. My platform will continue to highlight three distinct areas: Student Empowerment and Advancement, Campus Unity and Community, and the individual Student Experience.

Why you want to be in USGA?

I would like to continue serving in USGA because I am confident in my ability to bring
much-needed freshness to the communications division and authenticity to the organization. As a senator, I proved my commitment to being transparent and hearing from all blazers. During my tenure, I alongside a team of other senators worked with the administration to build a stronger communication system within our school. I would like to serve as Vice President of communications so these successful measures can be implemented throughout the entire USGA and the organization can become a more tangible aid to all students. We, students, deserve the best and I would like to be an aid on our road to achieving it.

What qualifies you for this position?

Being in both positions as a student and as a working senator and having experience qualifies me most for this position. I can attest to not being aware of opportunities because the communication was lacking. I have held several positions on campus where I have served in various communication-driven capacities. I currently serve as marketing chair within Second Year Experience. I successfully own and operate a licensed marketing firm, Debonair Designs, where I have helped many small starting companies and organizations build platforms and engage with their communities. Most importantly, my willingness to work and bring change qualifies me most.

What is the number issue that USGA faces in the upcoming year?

The number one issue USGA faces is revitalizing our system for interacting with student body members. Our organization is dwindling and is in dire need of newness. We have vacancies almost in every position and the majority of candidates are running unopposed. It is time for us to stop speaking to you and for us to start speaking with you on matters that matter to you.

Why should students vote for you?

Students should vote for Marcus Curry, Jr because I have a strong drive to be a servant leader. I have acknowledged the magnitude of work we need, and I am ready to take it on. I have an accomplishable plan that will not only improve the way we communicate with students, but they help students communicate with us, their legislators.

Jonathan Baker
Junior, Public Health

Vice President of Finance

John Ellis Kuykendall
Junior, Neuroscience

Other Involvements:

  • Trailblazers
  • Honors College, University Honors Program


I want to continue the awesome work of previous administrations, but also break out new ideas to help bring financial literacy into our campus.

Why do you want to be in USGA?

I want to be in USGA to support students. Finance specifically has the unique ability to help students in the moment with financial support.

What qualifies you for this position?

I have worked in USGA for the past year, but also I have taken courses relevant to my position for my MBA.

What is the number one issue USGA faces in the upcoming year?

Burnout. Across the entire campus student struggle to stay happy and engaged. I want to have students take an active role in USGA.

Why should students vote for you?

To keep up the hard work previous Divisions of Finance have done.

Hannah Richey
Hannah Richey
I'm Hannah Richey, editor-in-chief of Kaleidoscope. I'm a senior philosophy major and double minoring in criminal justice and sociology. I love to write about politics and current events. When I'm not writing I can be found reading sociology and philosophy books or watching cooking videos (but never actually in the kitchen). You can contact me at [email protected]

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