Friday, March 14, 2025
HomeAuraSUBMISSIONS OPEN for Volume 49 Issue No. 1

SUBMISSIONS OPEN for Volume 49 Issue No. 1

Submissions are open for Aura Volume 49 Issue No. 1!

Ex nihilo is Latin for “out of nothing.” Many of us continue to rebuild from the ground up in multiple aspects after the events of the past few years. Whether this resonates with you through the creation of art from raw materials, beautiful narratives from half-baked ideas, or whatever ex nihilo means to you, we aim to reflect that conception with this season’s theme. All we ask is that your creation is out of nothing.

Submit writing (poetry, fiction, non-fiction, etc.) or art (photography, videography, physical art, etc.) that you feel resonates with these themes. Established and emerging voices are both welcome. We look forward to hearing your unique perspective!

Submissions are due Oct. 14.

We are eager to see you at our events and around campus this fall, and we can’t wait to see you published in Aura!

Plagiarism Statement: Any piece submitted to Aura is expected to be the creator’s own original work. Any submissions that do not meet this standard will not be published. Any artist that knowingly tries to submit work that is not their own will not be published and will not be allowed to submit to Aura for two semesters.

Submission Form


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