In preparation for the 2023 USGA election, Kaleidoscope sent a questionnaire to all students running for office. Seven candidates shared about themselves, their campaign and their view on the issues USGA faces. Their responses are below and have been edited for brevity and clarity. Use the links on the names below to jump to various points in the article.
Christy Xie, VP of Finance
Danny Truong, VP of Finance
Rinn Mitchell, VP of Communications
Janelle Guillermo, VP of Communications
Ayona Roychowdhury, Executive Vice President
Cassidy Stoddart, Executive Vice President
Anjali Thottassery, VP of Student Services
David Hantouche, VP of Student Services
Krusha Patel, VP of Student Services
Kyle Adams, President
Christy Xie

Biomedical Sciences, Sophomore
Other involvements on campus: USGA, Co-Director of Funding; TrailBlazers; Chinese Society at UAB, Event Coordinator; BMD Peer Mentor; Honors College, SMART Leader
Which role are you running for? Vice President of Finance
Why are you running for USGA office? I am running for USGA office because I love and highly value USGA and the role that it plays on campus. From Freshman Forum during my first year to Co-Director of Funding in the Division of Finance this year, I have seen the rewarding work and the differences that students can make for our campus. However, there are many areas of USGA that are flawed and require restructuring, such as finance, to better support students in their goals, initiatives and ideas. Although USGA has taken strides in the past year to expand its reach into the student body, there are several groups of students who still do not know what USGA does. USGA exists to serve its students, and it’s my hope that we can continue to expand our reach and better communicate the resources that we provide.
Please explain your platform. My platform focuses on efficiency and improvement of the current funding models that USGA utilizes. The processes within the Division of Finance have been historically complicated due to the lack of authorization for students to directly use USGA funds. One of my goals for the next year is to cut down on administration approval time by implementing a system where students can have access to designated funds to purchase items without having to work around the schedules of our busy administration. Another goal is to fine-tune the new allocation model that USGA is using to streamline the direct deposits of funds into RSO bank accounts at the beginning of the semester. For travel grants, I hope to begin the process of transitioning from a reimbursement model to an allocation model as well. Lastly, improving communication between the Division of Finance and students/RSOs to be more transparent. I hope to implement workshops and more easily accessible resources for RSOs and students so that the student body can be well-informed on the support that they are eligible for, especially for communities that are underrepresented in USGA, including international students or first-generation students. I would like to promote our scholarships/awards opportunities to students so that we can utilize more of our budget to support our students and increase the potential for more funding in the future.
What is the number one issue USGA faces in the upcoming year? The number one issue that USGA faces in the upcoming year is the trust of students. Because USGA has faced challenges and restrictions in the past years, USGA has not been as efficient in serving students as it could be which deters them from learning more about what USGA does. This is something I hope I can help to change in the upcoming year and future years to come.
Why should the student body vote for you? As a student and as a member of several RSOs on campus, I understand the need for financial support for individual students and the support that is needed for each organization to operate. I understand exactly what goes into this position and am very familiar with all of the complicated processes of the Division of Finance. My platform does not contain a dramatic increase in funding or a sudden simplification of all of the processes because due to my experience, I know what is feasible and what is not. I do not believe in making empty promises, but I will promise to be an advocate for students and RSOs and to make your concerns heard and communicated to the right people.
Is there anything else you’d like voters to know? If you have any questions regarding my plan for specific resources and the budgeting process or for clarification/details, please feel free to reach out to me through my email: [email protected]
Danny Truong

Industrial Distribution, Junior
Other involvements on campus: USGA Senator for CSOB, Chair of Financial Affairs and Oversight, Chair of Minority Caucus
Which role are you running for? Vice President of Finance
Why are you running for USGA office? I am running for Vice President of Finance to make a positive impact on UAB’s campus and to advocate for policies legislated by my fellow USGA members. I have spent two years in USGA as a Senator, and I am confident in my ability to lead our student body from an executive cabinet position. I hope to inspire change and influence creativity and productivity, not only in USGA, but across the campus.
Please explain your platform. The Division of Finance needs to focus on two things: transparency and efficiency. As Vice President of Finance, I plan on increasing transparency by making the budget public, hosting budget town halls and posting weekly infographics that contain information on budget processes. To make the budget more efficient, I plan on making all funding go through the allocation process (travel grants, club sports, RSOs). I will also work with Senators on creating legislation that will ensure students receive their funds in a timely manner.
What is the number one issue USGA faces in the upcoming year? Communication between the executive branches and the Senate has been the largest issue USGA has been facing.
Why should the student body vote for you? Credibility and accountability are two of the most important factors when it comes to a successful leader: I fit in both. With two years of experience in USGA, I understand the processes and what it takes to turn student concerns into student satisfaction. The students of UAB deserve someone who actively listens and communicates effectively. Having held two leadership positions within the Senate, I believe that I am the best fit to lead the Division of Finance and once more serve the student body.
Is there anything else you’d like voters to know? Your concerns, opinions, suggestions, etc. will be heard. Initiatives without action are just initiatives. Vote for me and let’s get to work.
Ayona Roychowdhury

Neuroscience and Immunology, Sophomore
Other involvements on campus: Blount Hall Resident Assistant, Kappa Delta Sorority Panhellenic Delegate
Which role are you running for? Executive Vice President
Why are you running for USGA office? I have been involved in USGA in some capacity for the past two years, and I believe in its power to facilitate real change. I am running for office because I am committed to lifting the voices of those around me.
Please explain your platform. I want to expand the voice of the Senate to student organizations, and implement accountability when students speak at Student Forum. For me, this means actually going out and inviting different organizations on campus to elect a representative who communicates to and from USGA for them. I also want to make sure that the Senate feels supported and involved, and encourage true collaboration between members of USGA.
What is the number one issue USGA faces in the upcoming year? Engagement. USGA needs to work on engaging with its student body and delivering confidence, answers and results. As we are an organization run by students themselves, this is a real challenge to accomplish, but if we are intentional with our communication, I believe that we can make some changes.
Why should the student body vote for you? I want to bring USGA’s voice to people I’m not friends with, acquainted with, or have even made eye contact with. Students deserve to have a voice in university-wide change that is accessible and inviting, and I will make sure it happens, one way or another.
Is there anything else you’d like voters to know? I am committed to you and making sure that you are not only heard but understood. USGA provides you with an audience, but I am committed to making sure you have a COMMUNITY that understands.
Cassidy Stoddart

Medical Sociology, Junior
Other involvements on campus: USGA Vice-chairwoman of the Senate, Peer Wellness Ambassador, Inquiro Academic Research Journal (Editor), B-Women
Which role are you running for? Executive Vice President
Why are you running for USGA office? After spending the past 2 years in the Senate and this year being appointed as the Vice-chair of the Senate, I have grown to understand the power behind legislative conversation and writing. The legislative voice is often underestimated by many with the amount of power it holds within it as it ignites conversation of advocacy, transparency, and unity in the interest of the student body. Through this, I have utilized this voice by producing multiple pieces of legislation that have developed into larger initiatives that have bridged the gap of connection between students and their senators. By serving as your next Executive Vice President, I plan to utilize the already made progressive efforts to better the USGAs platform of seeking success within the student body by then amplifying the efforts at a greater rate.
Please explain your platform. My platform stands on 3 goals: Increased student engagement/outreach, campus safety, and academic success. First, with increased student engagement and outreach, it is undeniable that our University is rich with a diversity of cultural backgrounds, career goals and personal values. I want to amplify that by ensuring students have a seat at the table when issues arise. I will ensure this through the continuity of the delegate councils formed within the Senate, reintroducing the role of Campus Outreach Coordinator and accessibility to passed Legislative documents and what that impact looks like on campus. My second goal is campus safety. As students, we shouldn’t have to fear that our cars will be broken into at night or fear walking across campus. I plan to implement a Campus Safety and Security Council to address student safety with Campus PD and student leaders. My last platform goal is academic success. Being able to graduate from University is an immense accomplishment and ensuring that students receive support in and out of the lecture hall is a priority of mine.
Please check out my Instagram bio link for a more in-depth document on my platform (@cassidy.stoddart).
What is the number one issue USGA faces in the upcoming year? This past year I have sat through many conversations concerning the RSO budget process. I have considered this a top priority in my agenda as the upcoming Executive Vice President by advocating for more transparent communication efforts on USGA’s end. Money is universally a contentious topic in which in the interest of the student body is at the forefront. Allocating money to support an individual’s own personal and professional pursuits should be of interest.
Why should the student body vote for you? While serving as the Vice-chairperson of the USGA Senate, I carried much weight and responsibility. During my time in this position, I spent countless hours with the current EVP working, reviewing, preparing the docket, and providing legislative advice to my fellow Senators. This has prepared me to fine-tune my skills in administrative and legislative roles.
Anjali Thottassery

Political Science and Spanish, Junior
Other involvements on campus: Kappa Delta sorority, Social Justice Advocacy Council, Honors Ambassador, University Honors Program
Which role are you running for? Vice President of Student Services
Why are you running for USGA office? I have been a part of USGA in one way or another since I was a freshman. I felt that USGA and the Division of Student Services had the best position to offer resources and opportunities to make sure every student is able to be the most successful college student; however, throughout my initiative planning for the past two years, I noticed an information gap for adult learners, international students, and transfer students. I am wanting to run to close that gap, so all students are able to receive USGA resources and have the best possible UAB experience.
Please explain your platform. My platform is “All In With Anjali” which is an ode to the idea that all students from different backgrounds and experiences are involved in my platform. In order to serve all students, I have developed three pillars: advocacy, authenticity, and action. Advocacy will help include all students and their various backgrounds in order to create accessible and intentional initiatives. Authenticity intends to bring back the relationship between USGA and the student body. Finally, “action” ensures that all UAB students know how to hold USGA accountable for their promises through Blazer Answers and the director of student issues.
What is the number one issue USGA faces in the upcoming year? The number one issue USGA faces is navigating the relationship between the student body and USGA representatives. That is why action and authenticity are major pillars for my platform because it puts students back into the USGA process so they are aware of who to go to, what initiatives are happening in a timely manner, and how to suggest better ideas to the administration.
Why should the student body vote for you? I have been passionate about this role since I was a freshman, and I feel extremely honored to be a candidate for a role that I have held in high regard since I got to campus. This coupled with my three years of experience in initiative planning and working with different departments both on campus and within USGA makes me knowledgeable and capable. I feel so encouraged about this upcoming year and its possibilities.
Is there anything else you’d like voters to know? I love UAB and want everyone to have access to everything campus has to offer.
David Hantouche

Biomedical Sciences, Junior
Other involvements on campus: Alpha Epsilon Delta, International Mentors, Honors College SMART Leaders, Vietnamese Student Association
Which role are you running for? Vice President of Student Services
Why are you running for USGA office? I am running for office because I believe I can restructure this division so that USGA can work for the students. There has been a slight disconnect between the student body and USGA, and I believe the Division of Student Services can help mend the gap so that students’ needs can be accurately and efficiently addressed.
Please explain your platform. My platform centers around 3 points: accessibility, inclusivity, and events. In my opinion, USGA has not been accessible enough to the general student body. To alleviate this, I propose bringing back USGA Field Day as a flagship event. This would allow students to enjoy themselves while also having the opportunity to interact with all USGA members. In addition, I plan on publicizing the Division of Student Services initiatives next year so that we will be accountable and so that students can know exactly what events are being planned. For inclusivity, I plan to increase international student involvement within USGA. International students make up almost 10% of the student population at UAB, and the ones I have spoken to have expressed an interest to me to get involved. I plan to work heavily with the minority caucus in the Senate to solve this issue! Finally, I plan on restructuring events within the division so that event planning is much more uniform and efficient. In addition, I plan to publicize resources to help RSOs with their own event planning. All of my points have been designed around getting this division to serve as much of the student body as possible because that is what I believe USGA should do! My full platform can be found in my Instagram bio, @davidhantouche.
What is the number one issue USGA faces in the upcoming year? The number one issue USGA faces this year is engagement with the student body. Throughout my years in USGA, I have heard from fellow students that USGA feels distant, and my peers do not know what USGA accomplishes. The Executive Council this year has done a great job of beginning to address this, but I believe the Division of Student Services can do even more to progress in this endeavor. As the primary event planning division of USGA, we can do more to put USGA in the forefront and make ourselves accessible for student interaction.
Why should the student body vote for you? The student body should vote for me because I get things done. I stepped into my role this year as the Blazer Answers Coordinator under the assumption that the platform for student feedback, Blazer Answers, would be ready upon me beginning my term. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, it was not. In fact, this platform has been in the works for 3 years before me stepping into the role. Despite this challenge, I worked tirelessly to get the platform built within a semester and launched a month later. Like with Blazer Answers, I will work to accomplish my goal of making this division work for the students by implementing the ideas listed in my platform!
Is there anything else you’d like voters to know? No matter who you end up voting for, I would appreciate you telling all of your friends to vote in this election. This is your chance to make your voice heard, and to make your experience at UAB better. If you give me your vote of confidence, I will support you as a UAB student in any way I can through the Division of Student Services. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and thank you for voting!
Kyle Adams

Political Science and Philosophy, Junior
Other involvements on campus: Undergraduate Student Government Association (Executive Vice President), National Alumni Society/Student Alumni Society (Mr. UAB), Trailblazers, Peer Wellness Ambassador
Which role are you running for? President
Why are you running for USGA office? I’ve had the chance to do significant work in USGA over the past three years. Coming out of COVID-19, USGA is repositioning and restructuring to be able to better advocate for students on campus and create noticeable change. As president, I plan to use the structure of USGA that I’ve been working to bolster the last few years to address student concerns.
Please explain your platform. Since pandemic restrictions have been lifted, I have had the opportunity to talk to students about daily concerns that affect their experience on campus. Cassidy and I have been presenting to students throughout the campaign season to discuss three key changes that will come out of the structure were proposing for USGA.
First, a number of students have reported incidents of car theft with no cameras in parking lots to capture the situation. I plan to organize a Campus Safety and Security Council to survey student safety concerns and work consistently to address them. Another key concern for Cassidy and me is maintaining relationships with student body and organizations. We want to revise the Campus Outreach Coordinator role to provide sustained outreach to external organizations. Lastly, academic experience is at the core of student experience at UAB. We want to continue to support that experience by working to improve the Student-Advisor experience and providing students with more dedicated advisors for classifications. We also want to compile a list of academic resources like honors by contract and grade forgiveness to share and explain with students. Check out my Instagram, @kylearthuradams, to learn more about my platform
What is the number one issue USGA faces in the upcoming year? One of my goals in the Senate this year has been to bring student voices into our meetings. That has happened. Students speak at Senate meetings regularly and share their concerns with Senators and members of USGA. As we grow this model, we have to create more output on the other side of things. Student issues must be met with USGA response. I want to create a model for addressing student concerns quickly and with a notable resolution.
Is there anything else you’d like voters to know? I’ve selected Cassidy Stoddart, current Vice Chairwoman of the Senate to join me on the campaign trail as a candidate for Executive Vice President. Cassidy’s work beside me in the Senate and dedication to learning my vision for the Senate and USGA (along with contributing her vision) makes her the ideal candidate for this role. I am so happy to bring back the tradition of running mates for USGA with Cassidy, a tradition that ensures that effective teams are at the helm of USGA’s work.
Krusha Patel
Did not respond.
Rinn Mitchell
Did not respond.
Janelle Guillermo
Did not respond.
Voting opens at 8 a.m., March 22.